Active Directory Penetration Testing

Initial Access


Gather information about the AD environment, such as domain names, subdomains, DNS records, and AD structure.

Vulnerability Assessment

Identify vulnerabilities in AD servers and associated systems using vulnerability scanning tools.

Prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact.

Lateral Movement

Test for lateral movement opportunities by exploiting misconfigurations or vulnerabilities.

Check for pass-the-hash and pass-the-ticket attacks.

Privilege Escalation

Attempt to escalate privileges by exploiting misconfigurations or weaknesses in AD permissions.

Assess Group Policy security.

Persistence Mechanisms

Identify and assess any persistence mechanisms used by attackers within the AD environment.

Data Exfiltration

Test for data exfiltration vulnerabilities within the AD environment.


Document all findings, including vulnerabilities, exploitation techniques, and recommendations.

Prioritize recommendations based on risk.

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RFS (40)

Offshore NetworkTrain on real enterprise infrastructures with Hack The Box.

Offshore is a real-world enterprise environment that features a wide range of modern Active Directory flaws and misconfigurations.